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Lash Care

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Please follow these guidelines to help keep your

eyelash extensions looking                     beautiful.


● Be gentle with your new lashes, do not get them wet for the first 24 hours after application, refrain from touching or rubbing them. The golden rule is: look but don’t touch.

● Avoid swimming, steam rooms, saunas, or extreme heat for 48 hours after application.

● Do not use an eyelash curler on the lash extensions or try to perm or tint them. This will break the bond on the extensions and might damage your natural lashes.

● Do not use oil-based products (oil-based eye makeup, makeup remover, moisturizer, cleanser, sunscreen) on or near your lashes. Use products of non-oily, non-creamy formulas to remove eye makeup. Oil-based makeup products will dissolve the adhesive on the eyelash extensions and will cause your extensions to fall out sooner than expected.

● Avoid rubbing your eyes roughly when cleaning your face and avoid running water directly on your lashes.

● Avoid sleeping face down to prevent pressing against your eyelashes.

● Be very careful when removing makeup in the eye area. Gently go over the eye area, sweep up and away from the lash extensions.

● Using mascara on eyelash extensions is not recommended. If you must wear mascara, only use water-based mascara, please do not use waterproof or oil-based mascara as removing this is difficult to do without damaging your natural eyelashes.

● Keep an eyelash comb handy to straighten out any loose, stray lashes. Comb them carefully and very gently only when needed.

● Do not pull on any loose extensions or you risk plucking out your natural eyelashes. Do not attempt to remove the lash extensions yourself; allow the extensions to fall off naturally or schedule an appointment to have them professionally removed.

● Maintain your lash extensions with regular touch-up appointments, please schedule in advance as availability can be limited.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us! 

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